Asian-Asian American Film Series: “Innocents” — March 28, 5 p.m.

The Asian and Asian American Film Series concludes Friday, March 28, at 5pm with:

Innocents  (Directed by Chen-Hsi Wong, 2012, Singapore, English & Malay, 88 min) followed by Q&A with Director Chen-Hsi Wong, Wesleyan Alum ’99 and Winner of Best Director Award at the Shanghai International Film Festival. *This event will be held at the Mansfield Freeman East Asian Studies Center at 5p.m.

In the monsoon season of the 1980s, a young girl enters a harsh institution and befriends an ostracized boy. Misunderstood and bullied, the two outcasts sneak off into the jungles and monsoon canals behind their school, to carve out a private world of fantasy and freedom. But as they hatch a plan to escape from Singapore in search of a better life, the monsoon rains intensify and a vow of secrecy forces Syafiqah to embark on a quest for independence well beyond her years.
